Poster/Hands-on Demo Presentation Form

Author Name:(Required)
First and last names (no titles) with professional affiliation
Please choose the topic of your presentation
Is your presentation research or outreach?(Required)
Summarize why the project was undertaken, how a research gap was addressed, or what information justified the objectives of the project. In the case of a programmatic abstract, summarize the need for the program and the educational outcomes realized as part of the program described.
Summarize the methods used to carry out the project objectives. In the case of a programmatic abstract, discuss the audience targeted and major points of the program. In both types of abstracts, discuss sample or audience targeted, the data or information used, and how the sample was collected by the researcher or practitioner.
Summarize the major findings or educational outcomes resulting from the project or program.
Provide limited context to the findings. What do they mean in terms of the agricultural health and safety audience, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally? What are the high-level conclusions from the research or program? What can you (or other researchers) do or know as a result of this research project or program?
Would you like to serve as a reviewer for presentation abstracts?(Required)