ISASH Endowment

The ISASH Endowment operates within the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR AGRICULTURAL SAFETY AND HEALTH, INC. which is a 501(c)(3), non-profit educational organization.

Endowment funds will be used in support of the mission of the ISASH Organization

Funds are managed by a committee of Endowment Fund Trustees

No ISASH Endowment fund principal shall be spent; only any proceeds earned may be spent.

The ISASH Board of Directors shall appoint the members of the Endowment Fund Trustees committee. The Committee consists of active past presidents. The Committee shall elect its own Trustees a Chair. The current ISASH President, Treasurer, and Finance Officer shall be Ex-Officio members of the Committee.

Funds in the Endowment are held in accounts separate from ISASH operating, reserve and any other funds. 


Use of Funds

  • Improve member services
  • Grow the membership of ISASH
  • Provide funds for ISASH
  • Support significant changes that could bring about major safety and health benefits to the agriculture sector
  • Support the professional development of agriculture safety and health professionals
  • To provide funds for students to attend and present at ISASH annual meetings

Disbursement of Fund

All requests for funds shall be submitted to the Chair of the Endowment Fund Trustees Committee for the Committee’s approval.

Disbursements will be limited to any proceeds earned in the previous year.

Proceeds not spent in the present fiscal year will be invested in the principal of the Endowment Fund and not carried forward for disbursement in another year.