Hello, We’re ISASH
International Society for Agricultural Safety & Health

ISASH is an organization dedicated to the professional development of agricultural safety and health professionals, providing national and international leadership in preventing agricultural injuries and illnesses to the agricultural community. ISASH provides opportunities for sharing information about research and intervention programs, improving professional skills and knowledge, networking and other supportive activities.
Working for your safety since 1949
We strive to be the voice of agriculture health and safety! We concentrate on safety issues for farmers and companies, not just here in the US but globally. We team up with the business world, ag centers, hospitals, farmers, universities and other safety organizations.
Learn about issues and educational opportunities available from others in the agricultural safety and health industry.
Network with other safety and health professionals from across the world throughout the year, and in person at the annual conference.
ISASH Community
Member area to network with others, have topic discussions and brainstorm for research ideas and use exisiting research available to put into practice.
College Students
Lower membership fee for students and scholorship opportunities are available for students to attend the annual ISASH conference.
Online Resources
Access onine resources to continue education: webinars, papers, agricultural news and more.
Annual Conference
Yearly conference to learn, share and network.
Technical Papers
Joining ISASH gives you access to people, resources and an instant network to learn from, to teach to and grow life long connections. Our annual conference is more than a learning opportunity, it is a chance to see old friends as well as gain some new ones. All it takes is a simple click of the JOIN NOW button right below. We look forward to connectng with you soon.
Making sure the next generation has a safer and healthier environment.